How often are the Online Legal Pages documents updated?

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The documents you create with Online Legal Pages are updated regularly as necessary to reflect relevant changes in laws relating to online business practices or to keep up with changes in policies of major service providers that might affect applicable Online Legal Pages documents.

When utilizing the Online Legal Pages hosted option, updated versions of the legal forms will be dynamically generated by our system, creating instant updates on all of your licensed, registered sites, with no additional action required on your part after initial registration. This dynamic capability gives additional protection for your sites by providing timely and relevant updates to your legal forms.

If you prefer to host your forms on your own site, you may either update them via the convenient Module provided as part of your license, or you may copy the HTML documents created for your account and place them on your sites yourself. If you do choose to host your forms on your site, please note that the updates will not be updates automatically, but only when you log into your account and initiate the upgraded versions manually.

How often are the Online Legal Pages documents updated?

The documents you create with Online Legal Pages are updated regularly as necessary to reflect relevant changes in laws relating to online business practices or to keep up with changes in policies of major service providers that might affect applicable Online Legal Pages documents.

When utilizing the Online Legal Pages hosted option, updated versions of the legal forms will be dynamically generated by our system, creating instant updates on all of your licensed, registered sites, with no additional action required on your part after initial registration. This dynamic capability gives additional protection for your sites by providing timely and relevant updates to your legal forms.

If you prefer to host your forms on your own site, you may either update them via the convenient Module provided as part of your license, or you may copy the HTML documents created for your account and place them on your sites yourself. If you do choose to host your forms on your site, please note that the updates will not be updates automatically, but only when you log into your account and initiate the upgraded versions manually.