Uploading LegalApps to your Website? Using FTP or Cpanel File Manager

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FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Essentially, it is a simple tool to move files from one computer to another computer.

How would FTP work for me?

  • To download a file from a server using the Internet, or

  • To upload a file to a server (e.g. uploading a web page file to a Server).

Configure FTP 


If you are using godaddy Hosting Account  upload Content Using File Manger  Kwon More

Big Rock Hosting Services Know More

Uploading LegalApps to your Website? Using FTP or Cpanel File Manager

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Essentially, it is a simple tool to move files from one computer to another computer.

How would FTP work for me?

  • To download a file from a server using the Internet, or

  • To upload a file to a server (e.g. uploading a web page file to a Server).

Configure FTP 


If you are using godaddy Hosting Account  upload Content Using File Manger  Kwon More

Big Rock Hosting Services Know More